About Me

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I love Disney, and I love Cupcakes. I have decided to challenge myself to make Disney style cupcakes for my 19th birthday party. Starting on Feburary 1st, I will begin designing my cupcakes from my top ten favorite Disney Movies. Those ten movies will be the base of my party, and my cupcakes will match. At the first week of April I will make one batch of cupcakes, thats 24 cupcakes, and then color and design them according to the two movies I have picked for that batch. By April 15th, I will have all ten movies done, and my cupcake party will be on!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Janurary 1st, 2011 - Top Ten

So! My top ten have been selected! And here they are :

10. The Aristocats

9. 101 Dalmatians

8. Pocahontas


6.The Lion King

5.Winnie the Pooh

4.Beauty and the Beast

3.The Little Mermaid

2.Snow White

1. Mickey and Friends

There it is people! My list of characters/movies that I am choosing for my party. If you noticed, Mickey and Friends is not an actual movie, but I dont like any of the Mickey Mouse movies so I just picked him and his friends as characters to do. Other than that, there are the top ten. I will begin my designs and sketches soon, and then upload them as I go.